ATs Care

The ATs Care program was initially approved for development in 2014 by the National Athletic Trainers Association (NATA) and modeled after the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation (ICISF). The ICISF provides peer to peer support for emergency response professions. Staffed by athletic trainers, the ATs Care program is designed specifically for those in the athletic training profession. The care provided is confidential, educational, and most importantly, non-judgemental. ATs Care provides post-event peer to peer psychological and emotional support to athletic trainers who have experienced a critical incident. A critical incident, as defined on the NATA website, is “any event, which has the ability to overwhelm the usually effective coping skills of an individual or individuals”.

Committee Chair: Brad Swope

Career Advancement

Committe Chair:

College & University

Committee Chair: Lauren Norton



The TATS Communication Committee exists to disseminate timely updates and information to the various TATS constituencies through multiple media channels.  TATS constituencies include, but are not limited to, it's members; physicians and other healthcare providers; athletic training students; athletes; coaches; parents; state government officials; and the general public.

Committee Chair: Everett Boutwell

The Communications Committee utilizes the following tools to broadcast the TATS message:

  • TATS Website

  • T-Blast email messages

  • TATS Facebook page

  • TATS Twitter account (@TNATA)

  • TATS Instagram account (@tn_ata)

  • Print and broadcast media

Corporate Relations

The TATS Corporate Relations Committee mission is to establish long-standing relationships that can provide the tools needed to practice athletic training. Communication between the corporate sponsors and the athletic trainer can develop a professional network that in turn improves the delivery of healthcare to the physically active. TATS is very proactive in developing relationships between our corporate sponsors/vendors and our membership.

Committee Chair: Amanda Burden

Early Professionals

Committee Chair: Victoria Johnson

Ethnic Diversity Advisory Committee

This committee aims “to identify and address issues relevant to the ethnically diverse populations to better serve the needs of both patients and fellow athletic trainers. EDAC advocates sensitivity toward cultural diversity, development of cultural competence within the profession and promotion of athletic trainers as leaders in issues related to cultural competence and professional diversity within the health care professions.” (NATA)

Committee Chair: Linson Willis

Governmental Affairs

The mission of the TATS Governmental Affairs Committee is to insure the growth of the Athletic Training profession through legislative efforts. The committee is dedicated to monitoring legislative efforts that impact the Athletic Training profession. Our role is to be active in the process of influencing public and governmental policy at the State and local levels. The committee will represent TATS and its members in all legislative efforts that affect the practice of Athletic Trainers in the State of Tennessee. Our goal is to promote the professional status of Athletic Trainers, as well as our unique skill set as allied health care professionals, by working in collaboration with federal, state, and local agencies.

Committee Chair: Johnnie Anderson

Honors & Awards

The Mission of the Honors and Awards Committee is to recognize TATS members who have displayed exceptional effort to bring their talents and expertise to represent TATS in the highest manor.

Committee Chair: Miya Campbell-Davis

Professional Education

The goal of the Professional Education Committee is to oversee and implement the TATS’s annual meeting and symposium.  Emphasizing a commitment to improving education based on an evidence-based approach to athlete and patient care, the PEC seeks out the best practices and educational opportunities that reflect the profession's commitment to learning and growing as Healthcare providers for the physically active in a broad spectrum of practice settings in the profession of athletic training.

Committee Chair: Jessica Johnson


The Tennessee Athletic Trainers Society Scholarship Committee's mission is to provide financial assistance to Athletic Training students members (pre and post post-professional) that embody the ideas and standards put forth by the membership to promote the profession as a recognized health care provider.  We aim to support students that we believe personify the certified/licensed athletic trainer through scholarly works, academic excellence, exemplary leadership, and outstanding clinical practice.

Committee Chair: Kristi Phillips

Secondary School

The mission of the TATS Secondary Schools Committee is to identify and address issues of concern for the athletic trainer in the secondary school setting. The committee is dedicated to educating the public about interscholastic and youth sports health and safety and on the importance of athletic training services for all secondary schools while working in conduction with the TSSAA, the Tennessee Board of Education, the Tennessee Board of Health and all related healthcare and secondary school personnel and/or entities to promote this mission.

Committee Chair: Jacob Woodard

Nontraditional Settings

Committee Chair: