Proposed By-Law Changes
Proposed By-Law Change #1
Article IV, Section 3
Current Language:
Section 3. In the event there is only one candidate nominated for any elected position and remains the only qualified candidate at the close of nominations, that candidate must still be duly elected. Regarding the election of Regional Representatives, each voter may vote for one (1) candidate from each of the regions.
Proposed Language:
Article IV, Section 3
Section 3. In the event there is only one candidate nominated for any elected position and remains the only qualified candidate at the close of nominations, that candidate will automatically be elected. Regarding the election of Regional Representatives, each voter may vote for one (1) candidate from each of the regions.
Proposed By-Law Change #2
Current Language:
Article IV – Governing Body: Election and Removal from Office; Eligibility to Run for Office
Section 6. The newly elected officers will take office and begin their terms at the TATS Annual Clinical Symposia & Members Meeting. Officers elected as a result of special elections shall assume office as set forth in Article V, Section 3 in these By-Laws.
Proposed Language:
Section 6. The newly elected officers will take office and begin their terms at the first meeting of the Executive Board that occurs 90 days after the election results are verified and tabulated.
Proposed By-Law Change #3
Current Language:
Article XII – Committees
Section 4. Selection of Committee Members: Recommended by the Chair/Co-chairperson and appointed by the President with the approval of the Executive Board from the appropriate membership categories of the Society. Every effort should be made to have at least one member from each of the three (3) regions.
Proposed Language:
Section 4. Selection of Committee Members: Recommended by the Chair/Co-Chairperson and appointed by the President with the approval of the Committee’s Executive Board Liaison from the appropriate membership categories of the Society. Every effort should be made to have at least one member from each of the three (3) regions.
**These proposed changes will be brought to a vote in the 2023 May election.**