Vice President Nominee Brad Swope

Scott Bradley Swope, Brad, arrived in TN just in time for the TATS Annual Meeting 1993.  He soon stepped into TATS leadership serving as the co-chairman of the Corporate Giving Committee.  He performed those duties for several years and then took over as the chairman.  During those years, he changed the name of the committee to Corporate Relations Committee, and TATS had the largest number of vendors present during some of those years.  Brad is currently serving TATS as the ATs Care Committee Chairman which is in its early stages with certain growth on the horizon.  Brad has attended many TATS Capitol Hill Days, TATS Nashville Sports Fest Events, TATS Nashville Public Radio Events, along with other functions.

Brad has served SEATA as a Committee on Practice Advancement member and with ATs Care.  The National Athletic Trainers’ Association has had Brad serve on the Committee on Practice Advancement and work with some of the ATs Care initiatives.

Brad is humbled by his nomination to serve TATS as the Vice-President.  He sees great responsibility to the members and to work with the Executive Board to take the Society to the next level.  Areas that Brad wants to focus on are member numbers, the annual meeting, and the ATs Care Program.  Membership within the organization is an important aspect and needs to improve.  Many athletic trainers practicing within the state are not members.  The question needing answered is why.  Why are you not a member of your own professional organization and what needs to be rectified for you to join our ranks?  He wants to maintain and improve the annual meeting with the assistance of the membership.  The meeting is designed to meet the member’s needs and he wants to incorporate them each step of the way.  ATs Care is an area that Brad sees as a crucial need for the members.  The growth of this unique program is much needed in the world of athletic trainers.  Athletic trainers spend their careers serving others and this program is designed to serve and care for the athletic trainer who has encountered a critical incident.