Are You Ready for Vegas?

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This year Las Vegas will host the 70th Annual NATA Clinical Symposia & AT Expo. There is still time to register or sign up to volunteer if you are looking to save a little money for the blackjack table. Below are the links you will need to find registration, housing, and of course, all the festivities.


Attendee hopefuls will have until June 3rd to register for the advance pricing. After that, the cost of registration will go up. If pricing is a little too steep, there are opportunities to volunteer with NATA. The hours the attendee volunteers correlate to the discount percentage.

Housing and Travel:

Housing is still open and NATA has a couple of different hotels to choose from. The convention is held in Mandalay Bay, but if you can’t reserve a room here, be sure to check out the other ones on the list.

Schedule and Program:

There are mini courses, labs, lectures, awards luncheons, exhibit hours and so much more. NATA has posted a preliminary schedule and information about the app that will be used during the conference.

Welcome Reception, Alumni Parties, & Events:

One of the best parts about the national convention is being able to reconnect with former classmates and coworkers. NATA is hosting a welcome reception and the theme is GLOW! On the right side of the page you will find additional links to the alumni parties, NATA Foundation Events, Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony, and much more!