Updates regarding summer activities from TSSAA:
TSSAA is recommending that member schools follow the state and local government along with the CDC and local Health Department guidelines concerning social distancing, understanding that these guidelines will continue to change from county to county and as the summer progresses.
"It is totally the decision of local Boards of Education, Directors of Schools, and/or Heads of School as to how much they are going to allow coaches to do face-to-face activities with their students," added Childress.
"No one knows when school or non-school teams will be allowed to compete against one another," he continued, "but in terms of practice, coaches should already be familiar with the Council's calendar for their sport and are free to conduct practice sessions within the framework of those rules and the social distancing guidelines of health professionals and their LEA."
Updates from the NCAA can be found at the link below:
Following this link gives resources to FAQ’s in each division regarding regulations and policies.
Updates from the CDC:
Guidelines are still similar, but the CDC updates cases and travel restrictions. That information can be found here: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html
Tennessee COVID-19 Updates: