
Grant Davis Elected as East TN Representative

Grant Davis.png

Congratulations to the newly elected East Tennessee Representative on the TATS Executive Board, Grant Davis.  Special elections were held throughout the end of February and early March.  Grant was uncontested in this election and joins the Executive Board effective immediately.  The Executive Board is excited to have Grant bring his industrial experience to our ranks and looks forward to his contributions to better the athletic training profession in Tennessee.  Please join us in welcoming Grant to his new role as East Tennessee Representative!

Call For Nominations - East TN Representative

The Tennessee Athletic Trainers' Society seeks from its members a call for nominations for the TATS Executive Board East Tennessee Representative.  Nominations will be accepted until midnight on February 11th, 2018.  Elections will immediately follow and end on February 26th, 2018.  Please nominating a deserving candidate today.

Congratulations to the newly elected TATS Executive Board Officers

Elections for the offices on the TATS Executive Board were completed on May 15th, 2017.  We had a number of highly qualified nominees recommended by their peers for these positions.  According to the TATS Parliamentarian, over 100 TATS members participated in this year's election for each Executive Board office.  We are pleased to announce the following results to the TATS membership:

These individuals will be installed into their offices at the upcoming 2018 TATS Annual Meeting & Clinical Symposium on January 13th & 14th, 2018 at Belmont University.  Thank you to all of those who participated in the election process.

Vote Now for TATS Executive Board Officers

Elections for the offices on the TATS Executive Board are now underway. These elections will be held from May 1st, 2017 through midnight of May 15th, 2017 per TATS By-Laws. Ballots will be accepted via electronic ballot here on the TATS website. Visit the TATS Elections page on the website to submit your ballot.

Nominees have been recommended by their peers from within the Tennessee Athletic Trainers' Society as highly qualified candidates for the positions in which they have been nominated. Each nominee has met the qualifications for nomination as set forth in the TATS By-Laws and has accepted the nomination by their peers. The following TATS Members have been nominated to serve on the Executive Board:

Voting is open to all certified and retired members of the Society and takes less than a minute. We encourage every eligible TATS member to place their vote in determining the future of our profession.  Elections close on May 15th, 2017 so hurry and get your vote counted today.

Call For Nominations - Executive Board Elections

The Tennessee Athletic Trainers' Society seeks from its members a call for nominations for the TATS Executive Board. The TATS Executive Board plays a vital role in the future of athletic training in Tennessee. You have the opportunity today to play your part in guiding this future by nominating qualified candidates from among your colleagues to lead our society.  You can learn more about the qualifications required by clicking the "Nominate Today" button at the bottom of the screen.

This call for nominations will remain open until midnight on April 20th, 2017. The following offices on the TATS Executive Board are up for regular elections in 2017:

  • President
  • Vice-President
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • East Tennessee Representative
  • Middle Tennessee Representative
  • West Tennessee Representative

Elections will begin before May 1st and end on May 15th, 2017 per TATS Bylaws. Nominations will be accepted by completion of electronic form on the TATS website which are sent to the TATS Parliamentarian for verification of qualifications.

To nominate a qualified colleague, please complete the online form and submit before the close of this call for nominations.

Again, this call for nominations will remain open until midnight on April 20th, 2017.

Announcing Elections for the TATS Executive Board


The elections for the TATS Executive Board begin tomorrow, May 1st, 2015 and run through May 15th, 2015. All Certified-Active and Certified-Retired members of the Tennessee Athletic Trainers' Society are eligible to vote in this election. It is important that all members participate in the election by voting to make your voice heard. The candidates for the upcoming Executive Board positions are as follows:

  • President - Scott Byrd
  • Vice President - Peggy Bratt
  • Secretary - Clint Sanders
  • Treasurer - Therese Sparn
  • East Tennessee Representative - Mike Van Bruggen
  • Middle Tennessee Representative - Tim Hoskins
  • West Tennessee Representative - Tripp Turner

To learn more about each of the candidates for office, visit the TATS Election Page at http://www.tnata.org/2015-tats-elections.

Voting can be completed online via this link OR members can submit a written ballot to Kevin Wolf, TATS Parliamentarian. The preferred method of communication is online. Written ballots must be sent by USPS mail to 1527 Shagbark Trail, Murfreesboro, TN 37130. Written ballots are available here.

Voting ends at midnight ET on May 15th, 2015.