Elections for the offices on the TATS Executive Board are now underway. These elections will be held from May 1st, 2017 through midnight of May 15th, 2017 per TATS By-Laws. Ballots will be accepted via electronic ballot here on the TATS website. Visit the TATS Elections page on the website to submit your ballot.
Nominees have been recommended by their peers from within the Tennessee Athletic Trainers' Society as highly qualified candidates for the positions in which they have been nominated. Each nominee has met the qualifications for nomination as set forth in the TATS By-Laws and has accepted the nomination by their peers. The following TATS Members have been nominated to serve on the Executive Board:
- President - Peggy Bratt
- Vice President - Mike Van Bruggen
- Secretary - Clint Sanders
- Treasurer - Therese Sparn
- East Tennessee Representative - Caitlyn Horn
- Middle Tennessee Representative - Michael Gerlach and Brad Rohling
- West Tennessee Representative - Mark Creasey and Jennifer Farroll
Voting is open to all certified and retired members of the Society and takes less than a minute. We encourage every eligible TATS member to place their vote in determining the future of our profession. Elections close on May 15th, 2017 so hurry and get your vote counted today.