Grant Davis Elected as East TN Representative

Grant Davis.png

Congratulations to the newly elected East Tennessee Representative on the TATS Executive Board, Grant Davis.  Special elections were held throughout the end of February and early March.  Grant was uncontested in this election and joins the Executive Board effective immediately.  The Executive Board is excited to have Grant bring his industrial experience to our ranks and looks forward to his contributions to better the athletic training profession in Tennessee.  Please join us in welcoming Grant to his new role as East Tennessee Representative!

#NATM2018 Social Media Contest

#NATM2018 Social Media Contest

“Compassionate Care for All”

With March being National Athletic Training Month we want to help spread awareness about the important work of athletic trainers. Help us show how athletic trainers provide “Compassionate Care for All” by sending us a picture of how you care for patients in your unique setting.  Each photo sent can be entered into our contest to win one of three prizes.

2018 TATS Annual Meeting CEU Certificates

CEU Certificates for the 2018 TATS Annual Meeting & Clinical Symposium have been emailed to all attendees.  For Category A Sessions, attendees should have received certificate for each day that they attended those sessions.  For EBP Sessions, attendees should have received a certificate for each session attended if they submitted both the Post-Course Assessment and the Speaker Evaluation Survey.  Please be sure to check your inbox and your spam folder of your email to verify that you received these certificates for this year's meeting.

Conference Attendee Information

To ensure that attendees are fully aware of everything you need prior to the event, we are providing you with some simple instructions for your arrival and participation during the event. Please read these carefully.

Inclement Weather
Obviously the first concern attendees will have this weekend is related to the pending inclement weather.  Based on weather forecasting the last several days, we have decided to start the 2018 Annual Meeting later in the day on Saturday.  Even with these changes to limit the effect of inclement weather, conditions in your area may make it hazardous for you to travel this weekend. Above all, we want you to ensure your own safety, so please do not attempt to come to the Annual Meeting if you feel this would put you in jeopardy.

As stated above, the agenda has been adjusted to allow for a later start time.  We will begin registration on Saturday at 9:30am.  The first sessions will begin at 10:30am.  Registration will stay open throughout the day, so any late arrivals will be accommodated.  Please see the attached agenda for further details.

The meeting is being held in the Janet Ayers Academic Center on the campus of Belmont University.  Driving Directions to Belmont University are attached to this message.

Campus Map & Parking
Located on the corner of 15th Ave S and Wedgewood, the Janet Ayers Academic Center has parking available below the building.  If you turn south on 15th Ave S, you would turn right at the roundabout, which takes you across the front of Ayers.  Turn right at the first stop sign, and then right again at the next stop sign to enter the underground parking garage.  A Campus Map is attached to this message.

The Conference Center is on the 4th Floor of Ayers Academic Center.  Please take the north elevator from the parking garage to access the 4th Floor.

Because of the later start on Saturday, we will not be providing breakfast pastries prior to the first session on Saturday.  Lunch will be provided for all attendees on both days.  Breakfast will be provided on Sunday (including the President's Breakfast meeting for Students and Young Professionals).

Event App
We will again be using a Conference Event App for attendees to follow the schedule, important announcements, session information, and much more.  You will follow the links below to download the Conference Event App.  

Android Devices -

Apple Devices -

The SEATA AT Educational Event App hosts our TATS Annual Meeting Info.  Once you open the app, you will search for "TATS2018" to find the app for our meeting.

Each attendee's username is the email address you used for registration.  Your password is set to "TATS2018" and you will be prompted to change it once you login.

Post-Session Surveys
In order to receive your CEU Certificates, attendees are required to complete any surveys and/or post-course assessments through our Conference Event App.  Surveys and quizzes will become available at the scheduled start time of each session and will close 15 minutes after each session. If you are having an issue with the conference surveys, please come to the Registration area to discuss this with the TATS Secretary.

CEU Certificates
CEUs will be issued via email following the event.  Attendees will receive a separate email for each EBP session.  Attendees will also receive an email for Category A sessions each day.

Conference Game
We will again be having the Conference game, where points can be earned for completing different functions during the meeting via the Conference Event app.  Door Prizes will be provided to attendees based on performance in the Conference game.

Social Event
The Young Professionals Committee will again be hosting a social event for all attendees following the sessions on Saturday evening.  The social event will be held in the 9th Floor West End Banquet Room of the Hilton Garden Inn Nashville/Vanderbilt.  Appetizers will be provided and a cash bar will be available.  We will also have TVs available to watch the Tennessee Titans playoff football game.

2018 Annual Meeting Update

To update those still making decisions on the upcoming TATS Annual Meeting on January 13th and 14th, 2018, we are excited to announce that we have already received confirmation that 5 of our 6 EBP CEU opportunities have been approved by the BOC.  We are still awaiting final confirmation of the 6th EBP approval.  This means attendees of the meeting can earn a total of 14.5 CEUs with 5 of those currently approved for the EBP category.

We sincerely hope that as many of you can attend this year's annual meeting as possible.  The Professional Education Committee has put together an amazing lineup of speakers and the new venue at Belmont University is going to be amazing.

If you haven't yet registered, click the link below to get started.  What are you waiting for???  Registration is filling up fast!!!

2018 TATS Undergraduate & Graduate Athletic Training Award Nominations Are Underway

Undergraduate and Graduate Athletic Training Students in Tennessee are encouraged to apply for the 2018 Athletic Training Student Awards. These awards include a $1000 scholarship to the recipients. Requirements for nominations can be found on the TATS website at  Submit your applications before the submission deadline of November 25th, 2017.

Congratulations to the newly elected TATS Executive Board Officers

Elections for the offices on the TATS Executive Board were completed on May 15th, 2017.  We had a number of highly qualified nominees recommended by their peers for these positions.  According to the TATS Parliamentarian, over 100 TATS members participated in this year's election for each Executive Board office.  We are pleased to announce the following results to the TATS membership:

These individuals will be installed into their offices at the upcoming 2018 TATS Annual Meeting & Clinical Symposium on January 13th & 14th, 2018 at Belmont University.  Thank you to all of those who participated in the election process.

TATS Education Blog

With important announcements related to education and professionalism always on the horizon, TATS has created a new Education Blog on our website to keep our membership informed of the latest news in the field.  The first message in the education blog is related to the current Open Comment period from CAATE regarding the new Standards for Accreditation of Professional Athletic Training Programs.  Read more by visiting the TATS Education Blog through the link below.

Support SEATA and D9 District Director Marisa Brunett...#ThisAintNoBull

Our D9 Director Marisa Brunett is vying to represent us (the best district) during the Foundation Fundraising event in Houston!  Please support this “outlaw” in her quest to raise funds for research and education!  Please consider making a gift and share with other D9 members!

She’s helping to raise funds for TEAM SEATA as we celebrate the conclusion of RT's service as Foundation President!   Marisa wants to ride that Bull for #ResearchAndRT, please help her do it!



Patricia M. Tripp, PhD, LAT, ATC, CSCS
NATA Foundation Board of Directors - District 9 Chair

CAATE Professional Standards Open Comment Period

CAATE is requesting the feedback of athletic trainers on the new Standards for Accreditation of Professional Athletic Training Programs document.  More details can be found through the following article on the CAATE website.

Please read through the new professional and educational standards for the Masters in Athletic Training, and if you have comments please make comments…there are tabs all through the document that will allow you to voice support, concern, or objections.  As with anything, if you do not voice your opinions when asked for them, please do not complain when they become required.

When you have reviewed and submitted your points of view… please feel free to forward to other AT’s for this open comment period.

Thank you for your cooperation and attention to detail, and helping to shape the future of AT.

Be sure to click the links on each Standard in order to take the survey.

Vote Now for TATS Executive Board Officers

Elections for the offices on the TATS Executive Board are now underway. These elections will be held from May 1st, 2017 through midnight of May 15th, 2017 per TATS By-Laws. Ballots will be accepted via electronic ballot here on the TATS website. Visit the TATS Elections page on the website to submit your ballot.

Nominees have been recommended by their peers from within the Tennessee Athletic Trainers' Society as highly qualified candidates for the positions in which they have been nominated. Each nominee has met the qualifications for nomination as set forth in the TATS By-Laws and has accepted the nomination by their peers. The following TATS Members have been nominated to serve on the Executive Board:

Voting is open to all certified and retired members of the Society and takes less than a minute. We encourage every eligible TATS member to place their vote in determining the future of our profession.  Elections close on May 15th, 2017 so hurry and get your vote counted today.

Call For Nominations - Executive Board Elections

The Tennessee Athletic Trainers' Society seeks from its members a call for nominations for the TATS Executive Board. The TATS Executive Board plays a vital role in the future of athletic training in Tennessee. You have the opportunity today to play your part in guiding this future by nominating qualified candidates from among your colleagues to lead our society.  You can learn more about the qualifications required by clicking the "Nominate Today" button at the bottom of the screen.

This call for nominations will remain open until midnight on April 20th, 2017. The following offices on the TATS Executive Board are up for regular elections in 2017:

  • President
  • Vice-President
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • East Tennessee Representative
  • Middle Tennessee Representative
  • West Tennessee Representative

Elections will begin before May 1st and end on May 15th, 2017 per TATS Bylaws. Nominations will be accepted by completion of electronic form on the TATS website which are sent to the TATS Parliamentarian for verification of qualifications.

To nominate a qualified colleague, please complete the online form and submit before the close of this call for nominations.

Again, this call for nominations will remain open until midnight on April 20th, 2017.